Top Ten Gifts For The Person Who Has Everything!
Posted on December 14 2022

We are here to help!
Read the Blog. Check the Collection HERE
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1. Does this person bathe or shower? — Of course they do. Gift this individual some 100% Natural (Locally Made) Soap! *Buy 3 Bars Save $4 with Discount Code: 3PACK — Click Here.
2. Last time we checked, pretty much everyone we know... wears SOCKS. Guess what? We've got socks! 3 different styles to be exact. Check them out / Click here.
3. You know those things you carry around to get into places? Some of us use them to start cars... What are those again? Oh right... KEYS and guess what we've got THIS AWESOME BRASS KEY CHAIN!! This
keychain will prevent anyone from losing their keys 87% of the time. #FACT Click Here
4. Ok for this one location matters. Does this person live in Canada or some where cold? — (Probably.) Do you know what sucks when you live somewhere cold? Cold Hands. — Straight up, cold hands/fingers suck. The Answer... A New Pair of Mitts! BAM! We got you! Please note these sell out every year... SHOP NOW / CLICK HERE
Two billion cups of coffee are consumed every single day, with 1 billion coffee drinkers worldwide. (According to the first google search we did) — Chances are... this person drinks coffee. We've Got 2 Options - Check Them Out Here!
6. A Follow up from #5... What does this person drink coffee out of? You guessed it! A CUP! You can never go wrong gifting a Classic Enamel Cup and if they don't drink coffee that doesn't matter. This cup is perfect for any other preferred beverage, liquid or even a neat little compartment/accessory to store things like pencils and pens (to name a couple things) on a desk. The possibilities are endless. — Get One HERE

7. If you're thinking "Ah they don't need another coffee cup" or "Ah shoot, they already have one of those!" No Problem, we still got you.... Glassware. This person HAS TO consume beverages out of something right?!? Again we've got 2 options for ya! Low Ball & The Pint Glasses available. Locally made in the Niagara region, by Studio Vine Glass. — These glasses are amazing. Shop Here
8. Another "Location Matters" Kinda Sorta. — Cold Ears? Yeah they suck more or even more than cold hands. The Answer.... Get this person a TOQUE eh! Shop Toques here. — So many colours.
9. Have you ever heard someone say "I hate when things smell nice!". Well, unless these 'smells' are filled with chemicals and fragrances. We totally get that. Anyways... People like things that smell great! (like our store) Here are tons of things that SMELL GREAT and are 100%Natural and CHEMICAL FREE!!! No headaches, no pollutants, no chemicals. Just a bunch of nice natural things that smell amazing. Check them out here. — Shout out the new Room+Body Spray curated by Observe Aromas — Check their Instagram HERE
10. And the obvious solution for the person who is impossible to buy for or HAS EVERYTHING.. A Gift Card. — It's that easy.
Online Gift Cards Available Here or Come on By for a Hard Copy!

*PS ...TBT with that Vitaly Double Ring Eh?!
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Lastly, we would just like to thank everyone for supporting local this season. It means the world to us