Canada Post Strike Updates & Details
Posted on November 15 2024

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has announced it intends to begin a national strike on Friday, November 15 at 12:01 a.m. We've got out fingers crossed in hopes that it does not last too long. So unfortunately, all packages will be delayed (for the current time being). This is totally out of our control and we are terribly sorry about the inconvenience of this.
We are currently exploring other shipping/delivery options and will be providing updates. — Stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you are in the local area (or visiting the local area) we do offer in-store pick-up. Orders are generally packed up, and ready quite quickly during our operating business hours (Tuesday–Saturday). We will fulfill your order and send a confirmation email once your order is ready for pick-up. If you do not receive an email please check your junk-mail just to make sure. — Or, you can always call the shop at 519.601.0884
If you are unavailable to pick-up orders during our scheduled hours, feel free to email and we can schedule a date/time either after-hours or on Sundays/Mondays.
Free parking is available across the street at The Western Fair Market (900 King Street @ Dundas and King). If you are heading from the east on Dundas Street (towards downtown) you can always park in the open lot between 920-900 Dundas Street — Just a couple units down from us. Lastly there is also street parking on Ontario Street by Libro. (Map Attached)
Again if you have any questions or concerns feel free to email or give us a call.
Thank you for the support / patience and understanding during these times.