Show Some Love.
Posted on January 30 2023
Show Some Love. Valentine's Day Inspo. Blog / Gift Guide
1. Love is in the Air.... Can you smell it?
Scents can change the mood, transport you back to a distant memory, and may even help you bond with loved ones. Our Candles, Essential Oil Blends, & Room/Body Sprays are perfect to make that long lasting connection for you and your loved one. Shop ALL THE SMELLS
2. Love is an energy... Bead it up.
Gemstone bracelets align your chakra (the very base of your body's energy flow), they also have numerous positive benefits that help you stay balanced and connected. Plus, they look great. Check out more beads here.
3. Matchy Matchy
Get comfy cozy while matching your loved one! 2 Matching sets available (Joggers & Hoodies sold separate) GET YOURS HERE
4. The Classic Valentine's Day Gift
Jewellery is a classic and timeless Valentine's Day gift. It is an ideal way to show your partner how much you care, as it will be a reminder of your love every time they wear it. No matter the budget, jewellery is sure to make a lasting impression on Valentine's Day. Check out our collection of Prysm Jewellery
Classic Stud Earrings — Another great option!
5. Blankie Cuddles
Get cuddled up with a bottle of wine, your current show or maybe a new movie, and wrap yourselves up in the ultimate soft and perfectly sized TURKISH BLANKET. (4 Colour ways available — Click here.)
6. Love is Everything and THEY HAVE EVERYTHING.
Do they? We just dropped a new Heavy-duty T-shirt that we LOVE. Super soft, and heavy. Clean and timeless. Check out the new HD Natural Embroidery T. Click Here. — Chances are they don't have that yet!
7. So Soft, So Smooth!
Prickly beard, No Thanks! Rough dry skin... Prefer not! Stay silky smooth and soft with the help of some beard and body oil. Not to mention they smell oh so great! — Oh and don't forget our amazing COFFEE SCRUB! CLICK HERE
8. Fresh Gotchies! — Love what's BN3TH
Nothing like a fresh pair of sexy undies!!! Shop all BN3TH here.

9. Give some Head....wear.
Nothing says I love you like some unexpected headwear. A new hat is something that always puts a smile on their face. Shop Hats & Toques Here!
10. Pucker Up!
"Can you bring me my chapstick?" Keep those lips nice, hydrated and ready to be Smooooched! Our Rye+Ginger Lip Chap is perfect gift for your lover. Click here.
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